Friday, November 18, 2005
Devil besides me
Last night I was watching this Taiwan drama Devil besides me and whoaaa this drama is not bad after losing faith in all Taiwan dramas lol...Was rushing last night and managed to watch till disc 3(if I dun have work the next day I will surely watch till disc 10 but too bad lor...)The story is about a guy called Jiang Meng who falls in love with his half-sister Qi Yue and blah blah blah...As this drama is directed by the same producer as Liu Xing Hua Yuan, the storyline for both is abit similar but who cares man as long as it is nice to watch. This drama is beri comedy and thru out the show I kept laffing and laffing lol...I am also bidding for another Taiwan drama called Express Boy that is also starring with the same main actor as DBM. Hope that I can faster watch finsihed as I read in forum that the ending for DBM is beri touching...So for those that like comedy love story, this is the show to grab!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Too much love = harmful???
Few days ago I was watching a Taiwan talkshow which is host by a famous Taiwan guy.
The people that are invited are a group of teenagers.
The topic is about how some parents go about 'detecting' their children whenever they
are out roaming the streets with their friends or some even call their cellphones and ask funny questions about them like "Who are you" and "What is your name?". Some parents are so ridiculous that they stalk their children on the street lol...Talking about stalking...a parent rode his motorcycle and follow his son on the street and his son knew that his dad is following him.
So, being a SMART son, he purposely turned back to look at his dad then that poor old man just turned and bang into a wall or something like that.
I know of someone(both the father and the child) that he always peeped that his children smses and always restrict the child form doing this and doing that. I felt so sorry for that child and I can feel that that child is living is a prison.
Sometimes I was thinking YES it's true that all parents love their children and were rather they themselves suffered then their children but think back,are you giving the children space to breathe???This is a question that all parents should think...Teenagers like us need privacy and respect...
The people that are invited are a group of teenagers.
The topic is about how some parents go about 'detecting' their children whenever they
are out roaming the streets with their friends or some even call their cellphones and ask funny questions about them like "Who are you" and "What is your name?". Some parents are so ridiculous that they stalk their children on the street lol...Talking about stalking...a parent rode his motorcycle and follow his son on the street and his son knew that his dad is following him.
So, being a SMART son, he purposely turned back to look at his dad then that poor old man just turned and bang into a wall or something like that.
I know of someone(both the father and the child) that he always peeped that his children smses and always restrict the child form doing this and doing that. I felt so sorry for that child and I can feel that that child is living is a prison.
Sometimes I was thinking YES it's true that all parents love their children and were rather they themselves suffered then their children but think back,are you giving the children space to breathe???This is a question that all parents should think...Teenagers like us need privacy and respect...
Friday, November 04, 2005
Biggest decision made
Two days ago I made the biggest decision of my life(this is what I think lah...)...The funny thing is that after this decision is made, my heart machiam beri light and happy leh...But as the Buddha states: When there is happiness, there is also sadness. So while I am happy with the decision that I made, somebody out there is sad. As I always say "Life is full of sufferings" so there is no exceptions for this time...Another new journey awaits me so I wil grab this chance as I will be free from hell soon...
Monday, October 31, 2005
November's Chopin
Monday, October 24, 2005
What a day!!!
Ok ok...It has been weeks since I had done my blog lol...Too bad lah...I am bz playing Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney...So exciting leh...Must always shout "Objection" or "Take That!!!"But finally I managed to play finished the whole 5 chapters yesterday morning...The feeling is simply GREAT!!!Another good news is that Michael Vaughn will be coming back to resume his role in Aliasas since his "death" in episode 1 the ratings for Aliassince episode 2 onwards(currently is showing till episode 4)are beri bad(of cos lah no MV who will watch lol...)...So I suppose him coming back to the set will suely pull in lotsa viewers...Another not-so-good news is that my Family Guy new episodes will resume in 6th Nov. whoaa WTH man....must wait for so long then I can see cutie Stewie*sob* but never mind tolerance is a virtue and I must learn to be ONE!!!
Friday, October 07, 2005
April Snow Maniac PArt 2

As promised days ago, I finally managed to drag my lazy body to take a few shots of the poster and the folder that I got while attending the gala on wednesday. I was given a black SONY paper bag, a SONY new digicam pamplet, a packet of tissue(for wat purpose man???!!!), a breast cancer foundation brooch and a few more barangs that I don't bother to catch them out(where got time man...!!!). The poster is a double-sided poster(cool isn't it) and being a typical kiasu I was shot both sides of the poster.

In addition, the folder also beri nice lor...wat else can I say leh with Bae Yong-Joonhugging that ger as a front cover(sighhh how I wish I am that ger lol...)

Aiya I don't think I need to intro what is the whole movie is about right as I think those that are his fan(including me)will die die know what is it about...So in all "Take revenge"is the KEY word in this movie...A very nice movie(of cos lah starring my fav. guy leh who dare say not nice!!!)...The movie starts with his face then some fantic gers start to scream liao lol...also at the end of the movie also heard the screaming lol...Heng he never come here to promo this movie or else I do not know what will happen to him lol...
APril SnOw Mania
I know...I know now is abit too late to post my thoughts after watching the gala on wednesday night and I had promised to snap a pic of the poster and the goodie bag on thursday but WTC now is Fridayand I still did not do so lol...Unjustified right lol...Ok lor I will do so tonight lor...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Pissed offf!!!....
I am beri pissed off these few days...Why is this so?? The reasons being: The Alias Season 5 Episode 1 suxss big time...Why leh? The reason being MV is dead...Oh come on man, why is he dead???? He is one of the main character in this series and now he is dead lol...ha ha ha...What a joke! I love this series becos of the MV and SB relationship and now one is dead and another going to give birth *sian*. But I firmly believe that he is not dead yet!!!
These two days I got spam mails....not from outside but from my very own office hahaha...But I went to check the problem it seems that that is no problem with that device so what do you call this kind of false alarm??Obviously a spam mail right!!???
Last but not least, Family Guy Season 5 episode 4 onwards is stop for about 3 weeks due to some ball games lol..WTC...stop showing due to some sports!!! *sian*
I think must find some other means of entertainment for myself and I suppose must go and start revising for my exam which is in early Nov...*Ganbate*
I think must find some other means of entertainment for myself and I suppose must go and start revising for my exam which is in early Nov...*Ganbate*
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Today is THE DAY!!!
Yesssssssssss...AliasSeason 5 is airing in the US today Hahahaha...SO beri happy!!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
A Very Meaningful Story
Erm...I suppose everyone should learn from this story:
A Cup of Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to
visit their old University of Notre Dame lecturer. Conversation soon
turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned
with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain,
plastic, glass, some plain looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them
to help themselves to hot coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said: "If
you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving
behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want
only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and
stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you
consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other's cups."
"Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are
the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality
of Life doesn't change."
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in
A Cup of Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to
visit their old University of Notre Dame lecturer. Conversation soon
turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned
with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain,
plastic, glass, some plain looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them
to help themselves to hot coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said: "If
you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving
behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want
only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and
stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you
consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other's cups."
"Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are
the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality
of Life doesn't change."
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in
Saturday, September 24, 2005
What kind of act is it????!!!
Yesterday was standing inside the train when I saw a primary school kid spit something out of his mouth...looks like brownish grass...and then throw them into his bag...Ekkksss after I saw this act I wanna vomit out lol...Dun have the slightest idea why does he needs those spitted grass for wat and worse still throw them inside his bad...So dirty hahaha...Maybe I old liao that's why I dunno what those youngsters are thinking about...Feel like taking a pic of him spitting out but in the end didn't...scare that I will crush his minute glass heart....
Thursday, September 22, 2005
In Memory of Osamu Tezuka...
Recently I am hooked to the famous artist's manga maybe due to the great manga like Buddha and Black Jack that I had read...Lately went to a local bookstore and grab the whole volume of Dororo...Looks interesting...The story is about a child who is without the five sense of organs due to his father sacrifice him to the devil so that the father himself can becomes the king of a country...erm...just started book 1 so more to come lol...So stay tuned!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Damn Noisy Morning...
Was in the train this morning reading my book trying my beri best to complete it. But guess what!!!??? a woman sitting besides me yanking away with her handphone saying she went to a so-and-so concert last night lah then beri tried lah...blah blah...talking so loud like nobody's business. So I felt irritated and close my book and no mood to read liao. Then overheard that(she talk so loud even the end of the train people also can hear) she is earning about $3k+ per month lah then another guy from another sector is earning $5k lah...I was thinking comeon lah I earning only $1k+ per month lah and she is earning about $3k still grumble lol...This world har not contented at all...Ding Dong...finally reached my station liao heng har...can forgo her yanking hahaha...
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
World Domination Whhahahahah...
Monday, September 19, 2005
The Art of 闲...
A collegue of mine ask him to do work he will always say "SIAN HAR" lol...This also sian, that also sian so I dunno what he do will not be sian...hahaha.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Finally IT is HERE!!!
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Ebay and Ichigo Kurosaki
I am utterly lost in the bidding for my hard-to-find Ichigo *sob*. Yesterday I bid for two separate biddings but lost by some nuts...Sigh..I think I will just wait for the reissue full-stop.
Just shut the mouth up and DO DO DO...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Stewie Fetish
Recently, I "ping ming" watch Family Guy and I suddently realized that I have fallen in love with adorable little Stewie...How can lat dat har!!! I felt like buying his doll and play with it hahah...
Friday, September 09, 2005
This or that...?
Erm...weekend is coming so now beri happy lol...Today I suddenly hooked onto the latest iPod nano so the whole day surfing info abt it then just now a call came and tell me to collect my Virtual Tennis...Now I got a mixed feeling...should I get the nano and the VT or just the VT and forgo the nano...I think i will forgo the nano and just get the VT as firstly nano is so ex then VT is just a mere $88 lol...Ok lah decided to get just the VT and heck care abt the nano as I already got a iPod which is abt 2 yrs old but who cares as long as I get to hear my favorite mp3...Heehee...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Something's wrong
These few days I got the intention to quiz my present job to shake legs at home lol...Dunno why leh just got the sudden urge to do that. But anyway I will be on leave tomorrow onwards and relax man!!!
Friday, September 02, 2005
Bleach test
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005

Damned student...Keep calling the phones and cry father cry mother...Then say how come everytime he wants service our staff so slow...I tell him to straight go down to the office to cry lor wat can I do right? crazy fellow. He is the same guy that few days ago yaya papaya say how come this cannot work lah blah blah blah...I feel like asking the picture. 8-)
Fav. sitcom is back!!!
Yipee my all-time favourite Alias is coming back for the 5th season. I simply loved Jennifer Garner acting. This time round she is having MV's baby. I dun know why but I find that the so many sitcoms that I watched, Alias is THE ONE that I will splurge $$$ to get the dvd or will try other means to get hold of the latest episode that is broadcast in US. So now I am waiting for 29/9 to come...Tick Tock Tick Tock...
All about maids
Just now my colleague told me "Hey, we are lab maids and lecturers are students' maids." In turn I asked him "Then what about us? We are our maids?" He reply without any hesitation "We are our own maids lor..." We both laughed like mad lol...But in fact it is true. The place that we all work in sorta like being someone maids and nothing more. No pay rise, nothing at all. Just maid, maid and maid. Sian lah...
Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger
Yesterday the interview that I had is the stoopidest interview that I had in my life. That damned company ask me to pay $300 to attend their training for their software...Shit I was thinking what the F***. When he told me that I felt like saying out all the F words to him. I work for you then I got to pay you lol...HAHAHAHA...what a joke!!!The way he say about this training is like heaven have but human world dun have lol...Also the way he ask me that time he told me how much he is giving me and I reply him that amt and the way he looked at me is like I was bluffing him and make me hardup for his salary like that lol...WTH!!!Anyway I am no longer interested in this job...that boss looks like a cunning guy lol...Also I am not interested in Accounting and I was thinking why must I force myself to like something that I dun like leh...
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Suay day of the week
This morning bz like siao...all bcos of the stoopid backend problems...I tok after the ordeal, everything will be fine after lunch but guess wat????another different set of problems happens...sian full full then being tortured by this stoopid backend problems...another colleague told me "aiya today damn suay leh, must be never wash with 'youzi' leaves" lol...anyway this evening I will be having my 2nd interview so whether I still stay in this shit hole or promoted to heaven will be decided tonight damn kancheong lol...May Buddha Bless Me!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Google Talk
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
How you should behave in this kind of working environment
Monday, August 15, 2005
Today is the well-known Monday Blues but guess many perm staff in our departments is on wat happen to them...Is there a conspiracy or ???Btw the 2 dvds that I bot form HMV on sat I still do not have the chance to watch them...Sigh...So bz everyday...then yesterday I bot a Principles of Accounts textbook to refresh my mouldy knowledge of accounts so that I am more well-equipped at my soon-to-be new job lol...Yesterday I remembered the wrong timing of my class so in the end never go for class but instead spent $9.50 + $3.50 to watch that I- thot-is-nice 'Mob Sister' and yucks this movie suxs big time lol...Although yesterday is my birthday(cannot reveal my age 8=)) but I never really go and celebrate. I just treat my AUNT for a cake and a cup of mocha at Coffee Bean and in return she bot me a Tunestir for my Ipod plus a fat ang bao lol...(So nice of her).So my birthday just ended so abruptly nut who cares lol...
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Risky business???!!!
Recently MacDonald has provide a 24/7 service for those people that feel hungry in the middle of the night to call and order food. Erm...this sounds interesting but dunno will it survive in the long run or not (as if I care lol...). This whole new week at the new living hell I am even freeier than the previous hell so right now I dunno should I be sad or happy about it lol...Anyway I had gone to a interview and it looks quite promising so i faster pray hard for Buddha to bless me to get out of this hell completely and embark to a new paradise. About a few days ago, newspaper reported that there is a new sex shop operating in Woodlands neighbourhood and whoaa it has create quite an uproar by some parents saying that "Whoaa anyhow open this kind of shop what happens if my ah-girl go in and get some condom and then demo with her boyfriend then how leh . Tsk...tsk why lat dat!!!???" After I read it I was thinking where got so guar-zhang wan !!! This kind of thing must self-control mah not necessary if you open that kind of shop there will be many unweded mothers flocking in the streets right...MUST HAVE SELF-CONTROL!!! Yippe tonight I will be going out after ny dharma class with TYM liao lol... My birthday old am I liao har lol...(shhhssss...secret!!!). Maybe If I am not tired after the celebration I will be updating this blogger so stay tuned!!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Yucky weeks...

IT has been about 2 weeks since I had updated my blog. The reason is my boat has been undergoing pretty rough waves these couple of weeks. These 2 weeks dunno for what reason I was the perfect target for the 1st person in my workplace to plunge into the abyss of hell *sob*. After much struggling by the most affected person(not me)with the upper 'authority', the battle is lost and I become their experimental specimen of their 1st wave. However, I had been indulging myself with my new NDS game...Jump Super Stars and PS2 game...Bleach Chosen Souls for the past few days with disregard of not completing my assignment which is to be due this week 8-). In addition, I had been watching heavily 'Monster' as I really want to find out did Doctor Tenma finally found that murderous Johan and kill him or whatever... Anyway "Happy National Day" to all Singaporeans and I hope to have a better life in that living 'Hell' from tomorrow onwards. BTW I still had class this afternoon and maybe I will be going down to either Funan or Tampiness to get the NDS game...Ouendan which is highly recommeneded by my gamer friend and I really hope that this game can help me to de-stress since I am stuck in the two games that I bought recently.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Monday Blue...

As today is the starting of the working week and as I being bored at work and sian due to the frequent "arrow shooting" by others(what else!!!)decided to try my luck and search for the 'sting' replica in the movies "The Lord of the Rings" in Yahoo Auctions. Finally got myself a S$60 replica of the 'sting' from a guy and we chatted all the way from CityHall to Simei. He is quite a nice and friendly guy and he almost has the same hobby as me lol...He too collect LOTR relicas, loved Gundam and DragonBall(not my type of collections lol...) and has many Naruto figurines at his office and at home lol(hardcore collector)...*yawn* It's getting late and I had to get up early for my morning shift tomorrow *yawn* So once again "Good Nite" to the rest of the world.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
What a dayyy...
Today just when I was about to go for class when there is a heavy rain being a lazy person not to carry brolly whenever I go, had no choice but to carry one(who ask me to be a human being!!!???&$$$!!!!), and that's not all, today is my 1st day of class and I had to carry a heavy bag with a book on-hand and carry a brolly(of all things!!!)!!! My whole saturday is comming to an end and I did nothing at all except going for class and went jalan jalan at one of the shopping center after class to cure my "weekend coming to an end" sickness(who knows?). But the most depressing moment of my life is that when I went to check my bank account my salary is not deposited into my account and(what the fish!!!)the month is coming to an end and the same goes to my money for the month!!!!If by monday it is not deposited to my account I will surely 'cry father cry mother' to my company(you shall see!!!).Erm...not to be long-winded as tomorrow is sunday(the happiest day in my life)I shall say "Oyasumi" to the earth as I will be heading to my bed in about 2 hrs time??!!!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Happy or sad??!!!
Weekend is round the corner but (guess what...) I was being shot with arrows by the upper management AGAIN!!!This time round I was told to read up some nonsense stuff which is left behind by some idiots and to imagine what will happen if that bunch of idiots are gone(but who cares if they are gone as by the time they are gone I will also begone with them). On the other hand, I had just finished watching Princess Mononoke with my PSP when I was on the way home from work. Whoaa...the whole anime is around 2 hrs and I did enjoy the whole show throughout. But I still prefer Howl's Moving Castle as I am so totally engrossed with Howl lol... I was telling myself 'Hey cheer up dude, the weekends are comming and so do not waste it and enjoy them while I can!'.
Peanuts business???!!!
Can anyone imagine within such a short period of time you change so many bosses???!!!sigh...Well...this thing do happen to me right now at this very moment...*sob* What I can say is that the management suckssss!!!They intend to pay peanuts and at the same time wants excellent product which I think is a kind of torture for the living(I imagine the management to be mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever to human beings)
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