As promised days ago, I finally managed to drag my lazy body to take a few shots of the poster and the folder that I got while attending the gala on wednesday. I was given a black SONY paper bag, a SONY new digicam pamplet, a packet of tissue(for wat purpose man???!!!), a breast cancer foundation brooch and a few more barangs that I don't bother to catch them out(where got time man...!!!). The poster is a double-sided poster(cool isn't it) and being a typical kiasu I was shot both sides of the poster.

In addition, the folder also beri nice lor...wat else can I say leh with
Bae Yong-Joonhugging that ger as a front cover(sighhh how I wish I am that ger lol...)

Aiya I don't think I need to intro what is the whole movie is about right as I think those that are his fan(including me)will die die know what is it about...So in all "
Take revenge"is the KEY word in this movie...A very nice movie(of cos lah starring my fav. guy leh who dare say not nice!!!)...The movie starts with his face then some fantic gers start to scream liao lol...also at the end of the movie also heard the screaming lol...Heng he never come here to promo this movie or else I do not know what will happen to him lol...