Friday, November 07, 2008
My precioussss Pana Lumix G1

As you can see the title of this post, yes it is true...This is my precious besides my deary doggy Wanchai. Had just dumped $1k+ to this red beauty. The color red is so "loud" and I loved it...Have not tried using it yet as I am still reading the manual and it is my first time using such a complicated camera in my life. So many functions...The best thing of it is that it has a interchangable lens and it is RED...If got yellow I will surely get yellow as it is my favourite color...Now waititng for the camera bag to arrive cos the shop that I purchase G1 from said that the camera stock arrives first w/o the camera bag(I was thinking WTH!!!). So now I am hesitiating to use it now or wait till the bag arrives???Anyway I can temp read the manual and also the digital photography handbook that I bought yesterday first before confirm if I will use the camera now cos I do not wish that my G1 will be defigured w/o the bag although I will be putting it inside my dry box...Hope to learn the basic skills so that when I go to Korea in Jan I can take some pics...
It has been 6 months since my last update...What have I been doing???Busy going to my push cart store which has been closed since end of Oct. Now I am hooked to TWILIGHT Saga. In all my 29 years of life, I have not continously read 3 books non-stop for the past 1 month plus...Now I kena the "twilight syndrome". Now I am left with the 4th and last book of the saga. Yippe that Twilight movie will be released in Dec hurray!!! Btw if you do not know what is Twilight then please go to the nearest bookstore or bang your head against the wall...Twilight is the latest craze now besides Facebook. Toking about Facebook, I am now also beri hooked to it liao...Been updating my status and playing the games inside lol...The amazing thing about it is that facebook can dig up my ex classmates from dunno where and flash them in my Facebook lol...So now I have alot of friends being located in Facebook. Thanks to the clever creator of Facebook...Been going out with my cousins for the past many weeks lol...Hope that I can visit Korea in Jan 2009. Now sourcing for the best tour package and "present" it to my mum so that she can confirm it and yippee off to Korea we are...
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