Sunday, December 13, 2009
My new iPhone 3G S
Nook is on the way...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cute devices that come in cheap price
The stoopid thing I did is that I didn't know the box inside has a cover for the device so I threw the whole box away into the rubbish bin with the cover inside sigh...
On the other hand, Hatching Lab is similar except it comes in the form of an egg. I'm too lazy to post pictures and also unable to find any info about it in the web. So just make do with it LOL.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My New Indulgence
View more pictures of it from here :
Monday, October 05, 2009
The Hossan Leong Show

You know what, at the start of the show, I am shaking the clapper so hard that both plastic hands flew to dunno where so my clapper is not a clapper anymore but a SLAPPER lol(left one piece of hand so can ONLY slap people huh)...I am so MALU when my left-hand side audiences looking @ me trying to figure out what is going on. Then my mum quickly say faster pick them up as she saw one of it flew to my left and another dunno where. I told her no need lah never mind...Imagine if I am sitting @ the front seat and the 2 hands flew to the stage then I will be triple MALU lol...Overall it is a very funny talk show and it is my first time to attend this kind of event. Thanks to inSing for the pair of tixs. My mum enjoyed it so much that next year she wanna go see again...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Lesson learnt...
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Damn you H1N1!!!
Palm Centro
Saturday, August 01, 2009
So long Hanlin V3 and Pana G1
The second white elephant that going to be sold is my Panasonic G1. It is a beauty but I rarely use and since it is left with 4 months of warranty I might as well sell it while it is at its prime time. I wanted to sell it for $800 but just now someone asking me if $750 is fine with me. I immediately grabbed this chance and agreed cos I might as well sell it and keep the cash...So meeting the buyer next monday lol...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My latest beauty Sony PRS-505
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Finally my Wiz will be back...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I'm I unlucky or what???
Sunday, July 12, 2009