Thursday, October 28, 2010
Surrounded by morons
Friday, July 02, 2010
My New Toy !!!
And most important that ebay seller has stock for the silver set as I find that black is too too common. I asked the seller how come he is selling @ such a good price, he mentioned that he is still in NS and his uncle has a shop in Chinatown wholesaling cameras so he is helping him to sell thus such a good price and also like his own business LOL...
Actually after the fiasco happened with one of the reputable shop in AMK I had totally lost faith with those so-called reputable shops. Dun wanna say too much but all I can say that their CS sucks to the core. One camera bag also want to cheat...
Next step is to shop around for a nice camera bag that can fit the camera body with the len attached and also another len. Thanks to the extra $200 I got from the GST Credit and the $ I had saved. Never imagine I will be spending more than $1k+ after the Pana G1 which I sold it off after a couple of months as I find that it is so heavy LOL.
What I can say about the Nex-5 is that the body is small and light and good for street photography. Will be bringing it to Orchard next monday to take some pics.
Wish Me Luck...
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
The Ultimate Blogging Theme
Click Here!
My 2nd LEGO iPad stand
Monday, June 07, 2010
My very own LEGO iPad stand

Moonse E-7001

My iPad...

Finally IT has arrived on the 13th May 2010. At first I told myself I do not need to get one but after seeing how great this device is from web or forums, I felt like I need to own one. Thus D got for me as a birthday present although my birthday is still many months away LOL...After I got the iPad, I tried to search in HWZ forum how to cut my normal sim card to a micro-sized one as the iPad requies it. I anyhow cut till the whole card is spoilt, thus I got no choice but to get a new one(FOC) from SH. Finally managed to cut it and it is working well in my iPad. Whoohoo. Also ordered a few sim-card trays from Russia and sold to people @ hwz since I only need 1(although I don't really need one since I had applied for the muli-sim card service).
Since the birth of my iPad I bought 2 casings and the latest casing which is the Hard Candy casing Sleekskin(green melon) is my true love. The pasting of the Bodyguardz for my screen of my iPad requires some skill. Was sweating like mad when I tried to paste it. Overall result is still not that bad LOL.
Then got the Camera Connection Kif for iPad from someone in facebook. I can tell u that this cutie has been sold out in US completely as it can connect USB devices besides camera to your iPad. If u managed to find it then the price will be horrific. Someone in eBay is selling for US$100+ and one idiot won the bid LOL...Maybe I should sell it as mine is unwrapped. NONONO...
After I got the iPad I find that I am spending lesser time on my desktop. Must reflect liao LOL...
Hokkaido Trip May 2010
Btw click on this link to view all my pics which I took from Hokkaido in May 2010 :
Speaking of Hokkaido, it is a very beautiful place to go to. I hope I can go there again soon. The Uniqlo designs in there are in a wider variety and cheaper than in SG. Thus I bought a whopping 4 big bags of Uniqlo tess and pants and blouses over there. Bought one big box of tibits for other since when I saw them I dun feel like eating them...See till sian...LOL...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
IT has arrived !!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
My Dream Laptop - Alienware M11x
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My Latest Baby - HTC HD Mini
So hope that Del will call me within 2 weeks for the actual screen protector cos I dun dare to bring the MINI out w/o a proper screen protector. Now is time to learn all the tips and tricks of the WM phones after I got a prepaid card.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Exclusive Collectibles from HTC Singapore
Once I looked at the address for the collection of the prizes I was thinking maybe it is near my ex-co. So yesterday being a famous road-idiot, I drop off at Tanjong Pagar station and walked thru the tak boleh tahan sun and reached the place at exactly 2pm. But before that that place is just besides my ex-co duh.
To my surprise, I was given tons of collectibles like teddy bear, notebook bag, notebook and recycle bag. All have the HTC logo and slogan. When the person-in-charge told me "all these are yours", I am speechless as I expect we will be given only 1 or even ballot. So I suppose he read about our posts about the prizes and be so so kind decide to gave us all of them LOL. As I can foresee they will took pictures of the winners so before I stepped out of the house I took the initiative to dress formally and indeed was told to hold all the barangs barangs and he took some pics of me and the collectibles. WHAHAHA. But after I walked out of the office I realized that the recycle bag that contain all the barangs has a small hole LOL. So no choice but to carry the whole bag and took the train home. Once the train reached Pasir Ris station, I buay tahan and took out the notebook bag and it is SO SO SO NICE leh..Then i dump all the barangs including my personal bag into that notebook bag as so heavy to me. HA.
Took a pic of the collectibles and posted it on HTC Singapore wall. But in the end that is not the end of the matter. 2 winners(who also joined in the discussion of the prizes earlier) also commented on my picture and here it goes tons of comments for a single picture LOL.
Might go to the HTC Mini event tomorrow at Ion to get the Mini or just to see see LOL.
p.s : one of the winner said that I'm very contradicting cos I'm a iPhone user but joined HTC Singapore group in FB and won HTC Singapore collectibles. LOL...
Anyway i will like to say a BIG THANK YOU to HTC Singapore for the exclusive collectibles.