This is the place whereby I can anyhow vent my frustrations in my life or at work freely without any withheld...
So hope that Del will call me within 2 weeks for the actual screen protector cos I dun dare to bring the MINI out w/o a proper screen protector. Now is time to learn all the tips and tricks of the WM phones after I got a prepaid card.
Once I looked at the address for the collection of the prizes I was thinking maybe it is near my ex-co. So yesterday being a famous road-idiot, I drop off at Tanjong Pagar station and walked thru the tak boleh tahan sun and reached the place at exactly 2pm. But before that that place is just besides my ex-co duh.
To my surprise, I was given tons of collectibles like teddy bear, notebook bag, notebook and recycle bag. All have the HTC logo and slogan. When the person-in-charge told me "all these are yours", I am speechless as I expect we will be given only 1 or even ballot. So I suppose he read about our posts about the prizes and be so so kind decide to gave us all of them LOL. As I can foresee they will took pictures of the winners so before I stepped out of the house I took the initiative to dress formally and indeed was told to hold all the barangs barangs and he took some pics of me and the collectibles. WHAHAHA. But after I walked out of the office I realized that the recycle bag that contain all the barangs has a small hole LOL. So no choice but to carry the whole bag and took the train home. Once the train reached Pasir Ris station, I buay tahan and took out the notebook bag and it is SO SO SO NICE leh..Then i dump all the barangs including my personal bag into that notebook bag as so heavy to me. HA.
Took a pic of the collectibles and posted it on HTC Singapore wall. But in the end that is not the end of the matter. 2 winners(who also joined in the discussion of the prizes earlier) also commented on my picture and here it goes tons of comments for a single picture LOL.
Might go to the HTC Mini event tomorrow at Ion to get the Mini or just to see see LOL.
p.s : one of the winner said that I'm very contradicting cos I'm a iPhone user but joined HTC Singapore group in FB and won HTC Singapore collectibles. LOL...
Anyway i will like to say a BIG THANK YOU to HTC Singapore for the exclusive collectibles.