Sunday, August 27, 2006

Visit to The Man Fut Tong Nursing Home

Today went to The Man Fut Tong Nursing Home with my English Dharma Class classmates. During the tour around the home I felt sad and shocked. Sad for those Cat. 3 amd Cat. 4 patients whom are those wheel-chair bounded and bed-ridden patients whereby their family just cast them to this home and let them die there. Shock to see so many old folks being left there at the home. It is not easy to manage such a big home. I felt so pitiful to those patients that are being fed thru drip to their nose. Can you imagine your nose is stuck with liquid but there is nothing you can do as this is the only method to survive *sob*. After that some of my classmates perform to those wheel-chair bound patients and some of them are very happy to see us. I really hope that those people that want to cast their ageing parents to those homes please imagine how you feel when your own kids do that to yourself!!!!

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