Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Wii Xmas Story

Quoting from the site:

I went out Sunday morning to wait in line to buy a Nintendo wii. first Target handed out tickets, they had 15 of them, I was number 16 in line.

The second Target I went to had nearly 100 people waiting outside, and it obivously wans't meant to be, so I went halfway across town, and at that target, there were 14 people in line when I got there. I was number 15. They stated that they had 15 of them, and would be handing out tickets shortly. A lady had gotten in line behind me, and convinced herself that not everone in line was actually going to buy one, and that some of them were likely just standing in line together. She called her husband, and told him to go ahead and bring their son up there, as she thought they were going to get one, and it would be a big surprise for him.

At this point I was thinking that this lady was crazy, and there was just no way she was gettign a ticket short of someone in line dying.

They start handing tickets out at about the same time her family got there. THe van pulled up, at the same moment I was handed the last ticket. Then I saw the wheelchair lift.

She was there waiting in line to get her wheelchair bound son a Wii.

She was devasted when they handed me the last ticket, the look that only a parent knows all to well when they let down their child.

I turned and gave the boy my ticket, managed to get out a "Merry Christmas", and quickly walked away.

They were crying when I left.

It felt good.

It sucks to know that I cannot win, but at the same time.....It felt like a win to me.

Needed to get this story out a bit. Take it for what you will, but It felt good to be a little bit of Santa this Christmas.

Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile....IT really does make a difference.


A dying breed of kind souls...

I was thinking will there be more kind souls in future or even nearby as I really hope so...

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