HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THE READERS OF MY BLOG...May all your wishes come true...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
A Wii Xmas Story
Quoting from the site:
I went out Sunday morning to wait in line to buy a Nintendo wii. first Target handed out tickets, they had 15 of them, I was number 16 in line.
The second Target I went to had nearly 100 people waiting outside, and it obivously wans't meant to be, so I went halfway across town, and at that target, there were 14 people in line when I got there. I was number 15. They stated that they had 15 of them, and would be handing out tickets shortly. A lady had gotten in line behind me, and convinced herself that not everone in line was actually going to buy one, and that some of them were likely just standing in line together. She called her husband, and told him to go ahead and bring their son up there, as she thought they were going to get one, and it would be a big surprise for him.
At this point I was thinking that this lady was crazy, and there was just no way she was gettign a ticket short of someone in line dying.
They start handing tickets out at about the same time her family got there. THe van pulled up, at the same moment I was handed the last ticket. Then I saw the wheelchair lift.
She was there waiting in line to get her wheelchair bound son a Wii.
She was devasted when they handed me the last ticket, the look that only a parent knows all to well when they let down their child.
I turned and gave the boy my ticket, managed to get out a "Merry Christmas", and quickly walked away.
They were crying when I left.
It felt good.
It sucks to know that I cannot win, but at the same time.....It felt like a win to me.
Needed to get this story out a bit. Take it for what you will, but It felt good to be a little bit of Santa this Christmas.
Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile....IT really does make a difference.
Source: http://www.deanguitars.com/forum/viewtopic...asc&start=0
A dying breed of kind souls...
I was thinking will there be more kind souls in future or even nearby as I really hope so...
I went out Sunday morning to wait in line to buy a Nintendo wii. first Target handed out tickets, they had 15 of them, I was number 16 in line.
The second Target I went to had nearly 100 people waiting outside, and it obivously wans't meant to be, so I went halfway across town, and at that target, there were 14 people in line when I got there. I was number 15. They stated that they had 15 of them, and would be handing out tickets shortly. A lady had gotten in line behind me, and convinced herself that not everone in line was actually going to buy one, and that some of them were likely just standing in line together. She called her husband, and told him to go ahead and bring their son up there, as she thought they were going to get one, and it would be a big surprise for him.
At this point I was thinking that this lady was crazy, and there was just no way she was gettign a ticket short of someone in line dying.
They start handing tickets out at about the same time her family got there. THe van pulled up, at the same moment I was handed the last ticket. Then I saw the wheelchair lift.
She was there waiting in line to get her wheelchair bound son a Wii.
She was devasted when they handed me the last ticket, the look that only a parent knows all to well when they let down their child.
I turned and gave the boy my ticket, managed to get out a "Merry Christmas", and quickly walked away.
They were crying when I left.
It felt good.
It sucks to know that I cannot win, but at the same time.....It felt like a win to me.
Needed to get this story out a bit. Take it for what you will, but It felt good to be a little bit of Santa this Christmas.
Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile....IT really does make a difference.
Source: http://www.deanguitars.com/forum/viewtopic...asc&start=0
A dying breed of kind souls...
I was thinking will there be more kind souls in future or even nearby as I really hope so...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Stranded - Jay Chou
Dunno why leh I like this MTV but I always forgot the chinese name for it be it when I am in K-Box or whatsoever. So enjoy!!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away...
Well, it has been raining for the past few days already...I am countless of how may times I open and shut the windows yesterday...If neighbour find me doing that action now, I suppose that will report me to IMH...Yesterday wanted to go to GS to collect my LE Zelda : TP guide book and my mushrooms soft toys and also to get mini SD card and the screen protector...BUT...IT HAS BEEN RAINING FROM YESTERDAY TILL NOW!!!How am I suppose to go to GS when it will been raining cats and dogs and I am on leave today :(. Now the rain has stop liao so I better look out if there is sudden rainpour before I step out of the house to go to GS...My Zelda : TP game has been stopped for the past 3 weeks due to unable to knock that STUPID boar down and yesterday I managed to do so lol...BUT now i am stuck inside Gordon Mines and I need MY ZELDA GUIIIDDDEEEE!!!!
Today before you think of saying an unkind word
Think of someone who can't speak
Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat
Before you complain of not having enough
Think of someone who's begging on the street
Before you complain of being ugly
Think of someone who's actually in the worst of states of life
Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion
Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven
Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're
Before you argue about your dirty house someone
didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets
Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet
And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those
who wished they had your job
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin
We all answer to one maker
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around
Life is a gift
Live it...
Enjoy it...
Celebrate it...
And fulfill it.
And while you are at it give love to someone today
Love someone with what you do and the words you say
Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and hidden
So give it away
Think of someone who can't speak
Before you complain about the taste of your food
Think of someone who has nothing to eat
Before you complain of not having enough
Think of someone who's begging on the street
Before you complain of being ugly
Think of someone who's actually in the worst of states of life
Before you complain about your husband or wife
Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion
Today before you complain about life
Think of someone who went too early to heaven
Before you complain about your children
Think of someone who desires children but they're
Before you argue about your dirty house someone
didn't clean or sweep
Think of the people who are living in the streets
Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet
And when you are tired and complain about your job
Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those
who wished they had your job
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
Remember that not one of us are without sin
We all answer to one maker
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around
Life is a gift
Live it...
Enjoy it...
Celebrate it...
And fulfill it.
And while you are at it give love to someone today
Love someone with what you do and the words you say
Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and hidden
So give it away
The best xmas gift of all...
Last night, went to the Courts Megastore in Tampines and bought a SE K320 HP for my mum as a gift in additon to the cheapo cloth fan bought from Daisyo and the Teddy Bear keychain... Can you imagine her reaction when she saw that HP??? She almost burst into tears lol...She is so touched by my gesture. I don't mind spending a bit more if I can make someone happy. Well, this lifetime you got her as yr mum only and it lasts for less than 100 years so if don't treat her good in this lifetime now when do I do that leh...The HP is quite simple to use leh...got BT somemore(excuse me...it is BlueTooth hor, not that BT that you all know?. Will teach her how to operate tonight...The color of the phone is GOLD in color...Very cool-looking lol...
Heart bleeding right now...
Spent $800 for a new HP iPaq 6828...I don't even know what makes me buy that although I got a Eten M500 liao lol...But I can tell you that I did not regret getting it lor cos the whole things looks so perfect...HP products is getting better. This 6828 looks slimmer than my previous iPaq that I bought donkey years ago...When I am NOT LAZY. I will post pics with my 2MP 6828 in here...
WTH I Have Been Doing Lately???
WTH...I have not been blogging for the past 3 months lol...What to do leh...Been busy with playing games, reading comics, buying games and books Haha...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Hole in the pocket

These two days spent about $700+ on Final Fantasy products. Now my heart felt a bit aching lol...The most expensive thing is the Final Fantasy 3 Crystal Edition NDS lite console that comes with the jap version of Final Fantasy 3 game that costs $499!!! Accordingly to the seller there are only 30000 sets worldwide and each comes with a serial number. No choice leh as I am a FF fan. I won't be using the lite console to play games as I can't bear to use such an exclusive set to play lol... Instead I will be using my old NDS console to play any games. So I can imagine eating grass for the coming month... Till now I dare not check my bank account lol...
Visit to The Man Fut Tong Nursing Home
Today went to The Man Fut Tong Nursing Home with my English Dharma Class classmates. During the tour around the home I felt sad and shocked. Sad for those Cat. 3 amd Cat. 4 patients whom are those wheel-chair bounded and bed-ridden patients whereby their family just cast them to this home and let them die there. Shock to see so many old folks being left there at the home. It is not easy to manage such a big home. I felt so pitiful to those patients that are being fed thru drip to their nose. Can you imagine your nose is stuck with liquid but there is nothing you can do as this is the only method to survive *sob*. After that some of my classmates perform to those wheel-chair bound patients and some of them are very happy to see us. I really hope that those people that want to cast their ageing parents to those homes please imagine how you feel when your own kids do that to yourself!!!!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Happenings @ the Library Book Fair 2006

Went to expo this afternoon with TYM for the book fair and there is only one word to describe it...SCARY!!!So many people are searching for the books which are on sale for $2 or $1 per copy and a stack of magazines for $5. Reasons for saying it a mad house and scary ;
There is one situation that make me amused at those people behaviour towards sale:
So today is a fun and amusing day to spent @ the expo whahaha...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sometimes human are so thick-skinned...
He can make you angry then at the end of the day apologize to u machiam nobody's business. In fact the whole thing starts with his stoopid nonsense and in the end expect me to forgive him and wanted to treat me to 10 meals lol... SO IDIOTIC right!!! He can be angry then others dun have the rights to be angry is it lol... Anyway he can do what he likes now and nobody will stop him and better still stay 24hrs with that little gal of his... Good luck to him!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Neil Humphreys' Autograph Session @ Orchard Kino

Today went for the autograph session of Neil Humphreys'. Went for his 1st session years ago for the launch of his 1st and 2nd books but the stupid thing is that I lost the two books with his signatures *sigh*. So no choice but to buy back the two books and also bought his latest book called "Final Notes from a Great Island A Farewell Tour of Singapore". This is his last book before his leave Singapore after spending 10 years in Singapore which in the first place supposed to be only a 3 month stay in Singapore. Go to here to read about him : http://sg.news.yahoo.com/060717/5/singapore219530.html. Years ago went to Borders for his 1st session and the queue is so short so as Singaporean's way of thinking, I was thinking aiya since 1st time so short so die die the 2nd session must be also short lol... But I am dead wrong. Luckily my auntie went to queue for me beforehand as I need to rush down from work. Once I reached there I almost fainted as the queue is SO DAMN LONG... So both of us waited from 2p.m to about 4p.m which is the end of session but then the queue is also very long around that time hahaha...
I think there are about hundreds of people in the queue. Got lucky draw also. But I dunno if I won antyhing cos we need to rush to our Dharma class that starts @ 3p.m and we are so FREAKING LATE. Neil is very friendly and he apologized for the long wait and I told him it is worth the wait. I asked him when will he return to Signapore and he said he will do so in 1 year later. So in the end he signed on his 3 books and also I was given his poster with his signature... From that instance, the 3 books are my prized possessions. So what are you all waititng for!!!! Go grab his 3 books this very instance.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Too little time...
Today I found that I had so many books to read ranging from comics, Dharma books to the Neil Humphreys series... Yet I don't have the time to complete reading all of them. Sometimes(if not most of the time) I don't have the time to complete a book. I will jump from one book to another book lol... Is this human's mentality lol... I simply don't know. In Singapore, everythings are so rushing. We rush to take the MRT, to work and some other places. I think in order to cultivate good habits I need to at least complete them before the end of 2006! I think I need to stop buying books till I finish reading at least half whahaha... Now I am sick of playing video games. Just don't have the mood at all. Maybe I am having PMS.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Fate plays a part in life...Don't you think so???

Tried playing Titan Quest demo in my new laptop but guess what got error appears... It seems like my new laptop has only built-in graphics card so cannot play. So I re-downloaded the demo to my pc and it works since my graphics card for my pc is quite hi-end. The game is not bad as it is not as hard as Heroes of Might and Magic 5. However after playing the 1st quest I quit and went to play my Taiko game for ps2. So long never play that ps2 version and the fun is still there lol... After that went to watch The Lake House starring the handsome Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullocks. This movie is a remake of Il Mare a Korean movie. I have not watched the Korean version yet so no comments lol... The Lake House is about a doctor by the name of Kate in 2006 writes letters to an architect by the name of Alex in 2004 cos she stayed at the lake house before which is bulit by Alex's father for her mum. While writing letters to each other they fell in love with each other. The funny thing is that both knew each other two years ago which is in 2004 at Kate's birthday party. However they forgot each other's names lol...In fact, during that party they like each other liao lol... Sounds crazy right... The story ends when in 2006 Kate is getting married to Morgan and is at a office that is owned by Alex and his bro to built a house for them. At the office Kate saw Alex's drawing and asked his bro where is Alex. He told her that he died two years ago in Valentines day which is when Kate failed to rescue him during a car accident. So she faster went back to the Lake House and wrote to him not to find her and to wait for her for 2 years. So he really wait for 2 years for her and they met at the same spot whereby Kate mailed the letter at their mail box besides the Lake House. So I am wondering if he can wait for her for 2 years then how come he can come ack two years later at the same spot whereby Kate wrote the letter telling him not to find her. Funny right lol... According to TS, in the korean version both did not meet each other in the end. So I wonder who is right and who is wrong.
It has been so long since Keanu Reeves act in a movie...He is my favourite actor besides Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise. So handsome... The last time is when he acts in The Matrix... Hope to see more of his movies lor...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The coolest-looking M-Cody M-20 MP3 Player

Similar in design to the LG Chocolate Phone, the M-20 is thin like an iPod Nano and has features Apple wouldn't think of putting in their player. Among them, FM radio, voice & line in recording, and WMA & OGG support. The bad news, only USB 1.1 for file transfers. But holds up to 2 GB worth of music.
This is the type of mp3 player that I want and so someone in the forum is organising a MO for it and I of course participate it... However that guy told us that it is out of stock at the moment and got to wait for 1-2 weeks of August to get it so what to do leh must play the waiting game right :) But I had already 4 mp3 players right now leh...2 irivers, ipod and iaudio liao leh. I can't resist this Cody player as it is in black and I am beri obessed with black and silver stuff mah... Looks cool right...So once I get hold of it I will post some more pictures in here... So stay tuned...
Titan Quest

This game is the latest craze now... In Titan Quest, players will take an epic journey through such fabled locations as the Parthenon, the maze of Knossos, the Great Pyramids and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon blah blah blah... So right now I am downloading the demo and if it is playable in my new laptop I might as well buy the original off shelves and enjoy whahaha...
Friday, July 21, 2006
Taiwan Taiwan...
Just back from Kbox...Went with TYM and TS...We had so much fun from singing
约定 to 童话. It has been so long since we had so much fun. It seems that we had so much of
唱不完的歌. Sing sing sing till time's up but the problem is I still have not sing enuff yet leh...Last night also went with TYM to have our dinner at Kenny Rogers then book Kbox. So 巧 we saw the autograph session of Jolin 蔡依琳 so you can imagine a popstar comes to Singapore then so many teenagers rushing here and there to take her pictures and each level of the shopping mall is 人山人海 and each person is WITHOUT a camera or camera-phone...Crazy right??!!! I was thinking crazy lah squeeze for what right...Anyway both of us also stand there to see but the only thing that we can see is 人头. So in the end we did not get a chance to see how pretty she is...Anyway we stand is for fun lol...So after that we went to a newly opened Taiwan shop to buy
太阳饼 which we did not get a chance to buy back from Taiwan trip months ago. The price is reasonable and I also so heng to lucky dipped to be comes their lifetime member where they will inform me for their food tasting session lol...Typical Singaporean right???!!! Frankly the 太阳饼 are very nice to eat leh...Can you imagine I bot 10 pieces last night then now left about 2 pieces whahaha... he two ladies at home enjoy the biscuits... So just now after out Karaoke session I went back to the same shop to buy 牛舌饼 which is ironically not made of cow's tongue but in fact it is made of flour. So many weird stuff in Taiwan whahaha... I was thinking of taking pictures of the biscuits but guess what I am too tired to take any....what to do 人老 is like that wan...
约定 to 童话. It has been so long since we had so much fun. It seems that we had so much of
唱不完的歌. Sing sing sing till time's up but the problem is I still have not sing enuff yet leh...Last night also went with TYM to have our dinner at Kenny Rogers then book Kbox. So 巧 we saw the autograph session of Jolin 蔡依琳 so you can imagine a popstar comes to Singapore then so many teenagers rushing here and there to take her pictures and each level of the shopping mall is 人山人海 and each person is WITHOUT a camera or camera-phone...Crazy right??!!! I was thinking crazy lah squeeze for what right...Anyway both of us also stand there to see but the only thing that we can see is 人头. So in the end we did not get a chance to see how pretty she is...Anyway we stand is for fun lol...So after that we went to a newly opened Taiwan shop to buy
太阳饼 which we did not get a chance to buy back from Taiwan trip months ago. The price is reasonable and I also so heng to lucky dipped to be comes their lifetime member where they will inform me for their food tasting session lol...Typical Singaporean right???!!! Frankly the 太阳饼 are very nice to eat leh...Can you imagine I bot 10 pieces last night then now left about 2 pieces whahaha... he two ladies at home enjoy the biscuits... So just now after out Karaoke session I went back to the same shop to buy 牛舌饼 which is ironically not made of cow's tongue but in fact it is made of flour. So many weird stuff in Taiwan whahaha... I was thinking of taking pictures of the biscuits but guess what I am too tired to take any....what to do 人老 is like that wan...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Change of 'enviornment'
Just change the template of my blog...Looks nicer right???The black background and pinkish stuff lol...Looks nicer...Maybe next time I need to upload some pictures...
I am BACK!!!
Whoaa finally I am BACK after hopping from one job to another and right now I am with my new job...How many months have I stopped blogging???(Can anyone tell me???) From resigning from my 1st job to a new job then quit then go to Taiwan with my not-yet-break at that time BF and then finally in my present job...Took so many wonderful pictures in Taiwan...stayed there for 1 week and really enjoyed it except the sanitary system...The hotel toilets there are OK but the outside toilets really sucks BIG TIME!!! Bought so many stuff till almost over the 20KG limit lol...We broke up right after we came back from Taiwan...Barely less than 24 hours lol...I dun really know the reason for breaking up just feel like it lor...hahaha...I think he take it quite badly...We are together for almost 1 year lol...even our friends almost shock by our breakup...Life is really hard to predict lor...Couple can be happy together then the next moment tattata...break up the next moment. This is quite common now...Happy together lor if not then break lor...However we still go for dinner, watch movies together...He still linger the hope to patch back but as I keep saying : "Once a mirror is broken it will leave a crack forever. No matter how we patch it back" He still keep insisting to patch back lol...He go to the extent of seeking younger gers from the Net. This point I really pity him...After going out with him for 1 year, I find that his mind is full of giving birth to babies and doing hanky panky stuff with me lol...Overall, he is quite a nice guy. A friend of us keeps creating chances for us to patch back...He himself is in a simialr situation like us lol...Well, life still goes on...No matter WHAT!!!
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